Friday, August 1, 2014

The boys under the hood

Ricky and Nick coming from Handicraft.

Spirit stick

At the end of every camp out we do a spirit stick.

We did it tonight instead of tomorrow as we are very busy in the morning.

Picture courtesy of Mark Miller.

Trip home

Ok so we should be leaving PA by 10am.  That means our estimated time back at Nixon will be 11:30 am on Saturday.

Please check this blog tomorrow morning any time after 10am for an update.   You never know what may happen but if all goes well we should leave on time.

I cannot thank you enough for letting us, Paul, Marcia, Eric, Nick, Chris and myself for taking care of your kids for the week.

It was an amazing week with them.  Once again I learned a lot from them and they taught me that I still have much faith in this troop and in scouting. I had a blast and I think I can speak for the rest of the adults that they had a great time too.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and seeing my family too!

Yours in scouting,
Michael Mangano

More to come

What a last a day so far today.

Had a great breakfast and a really good lunch and I got all the first year boys to eat!

We just a nasty thunderstorm roll through but we made it back fine to camp.

Sent the boys to their 2pm merit badges and then the rain stopped.

Cleaning up camp and getting ready for dismissal tomorrow.

Please check back later today for an update on what time we will be leaving camp.

See you tomorrow!

War paint

Benny is ready for battle with his war paint.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Service project

Every year we are asked to do a service project at camp. This year we had a pavilion that was in really bad shape.

We took it down so it was safer. Then another troop will rebuild it.

Here Scott is taking some of the posts to the truck for disposal.

New knife

End of the week money burns a hole on your pocket.

Anthony with his new knife.

Wood burning

Isaiah as his wood burning project.

10 seconds later

Andrew sailing. He was doing really good then 10 seconds after I took this picture his sail goes down. 


Andrew getting his boat ready to sail.

Prayer at breakfast

Isaiah says prayer at breakfast today.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Frog man

Benny finds another toad or frog.

Or do they find him...

Cooking merit badge

These boys working hard on the cooking merit badge.

How Not To defrost Tortilla

So Dylan decides to defrost the tortillas in a pot of water.

It's not hot it's just standing OK.

Let's just say it did not our to well.

Golden skillet

Mandy,  Christian and Will joined us as judges for our golden skillet contest.

The boys made surf and turf over garlic and shrimp cream sauce.

There was none left by the judges.  And had very good complimentary things to say.

Mike N., Stephen, Ralph,  Patrick, Garrett, David all lead by Nick P.

Stay tuned to see how we do...

Off to wilderness survival

These 3 boys are going to build a shelter and sleep in it tonight foe the wilderness survival merit badge.

Good luck !

Dylrickbobulys chair

Not sure what that means but these 3 boys made this chair.

It is a multi purpose tool. It is a chair, a weather rock and earthquake rock.

The price is $593.47. Plus a package of Oreo's family size double stuff plus a package of chocolate covered pretzels.  

Cash only.  Unmarked bills.

One word


Wood carving

Garrett working hard this year.  Wood carving done...

Like nothing on earth

Andrew with his wood burning flag.

Merit badges

Anthony,  Isaiah and Nick working on textiles and finger printing.

Flag of New York

Jordn working on the flag of New York

Mike N.

Mike working on some wood burning.


Trying his hand on the hard side of the wall.

Moving up

Scott going up the hard side of the climbing wall.


Nick and Chris finishing up the life saving merit badge.

Only thing is during the clothes inflation Chris forgot to take off his socks.

Oh well...

Going swimming

David working to get his swimming merit badge

Moving up

Frank trying to get up the climbing wall.

Rock on

The boys in Geology.

Working toward Eagle

At communication merit badge.

Practice might make perfect

Some boys practicing for the volleyball tournament.

Great lunch

So we have this awesome lunch today. But Ricky decides that ice cream after lunch would be great.

Looking for lunch

Mike looking lunch in the bushes.

Dan beard learning

The dan beard boys learning about poisonous snakes.

Trying to qualify

Boyan trying to qualify for the shot gun merit badge.

Squid man at shot gun

Squid man and Boyan at the shot gun lecture.

Just born

Walking along the trail got see this beauty being born.

All hail the mighty Blenda

At camp fire last night Mark and Zach put on a great skit called King and Queen.

The improvisation they did was awesome.  They came up with the tool called the "Blenda".

It's an empty ice tea bottle.  But it worked and we laughed very hard.


The bows the boys use at archery.


The tooth fairy strikes again.

Keyan tells me he lost a tooth.

Great out another $5.

Small shirt

So at camp we have to remind the boys to not only take showers but change their clothes.

But this shirt,  this shirt takes the cake.

Thanks Keyan.

Don't eat that bug.

All throughout camp there are wild raspberries and Blackberrys .  Garrett was about to munch on this raspberry when he noticed this thing on it .

Do not sleep late in the morning

We have to make breakfast on time or we will not eat.  David decided to sleep in this morning due to him staying up all night killing bugs.

Sometimes you just need to sleep and not worry about the bugs.

Not sure what happened

Scott was slow to get  out of bed this morning.   So I go over to his bunk and what do I see but Scott and my box of wheat thins.

Moral of the story is, don't stay up so late that you do not remember what you did last night.

Or else Mr Mangano will find out and post about it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Nicky loves wood burning.  He does a really good job with whatever he works with.

Some of his handy work.

Guest judge

So the boys decided to do the golden skillet competition.  This is where they are judged on food that they cook.

Mr Day stopped by to drop something for his son. So the boys asked him to be a guest judge so they can practice before the competition tomorrow night.

I have to say the food was excellent....i got taste a small amount.