Friday, August 1, 2014

The boys under the hood

Ricky and Nick coming from Handicraft.

Spirit stick

At the end of every camp out we do a spirit stick.

We did it tonight instead of tomorrow as we are very busy in the morning.

Picture courtesy of Mark Miller.

Trip home

Ok so we should be leaving PA by 10am.  That means our estimated time back at Nixon will be 11:30 am on Saturday.

Please check this blog tomorrow morning any time after 10am for an update.   You never know what may happen but if all goes well we should leave on time.

I cannot thank you enough for letting us, Paul, Marcia, Eric, Nick, Chris and myself for taking care of your kids for the week.

It was an amazing week with them.  Once again I learned a lot from them and they taught me that I still have much faith in this troop and in scouting. I had a blast and I think I can speak for the rest of the adults that they had a great time too.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and seeing my family too!

Yours in scouting,
Michael Mangano

More to come

What a last a day so far today.

Had a great breakfast and a really good lunch and I got all the first year boys to eat!

We just a nasty thunderstorm roll through but we made it back fine to camp.

Sent the boys to their 2pm merit badges and then the rain stopped.

Cleaning up camp and getting ready for dismissal tomorrow.

Please check back later today for an update on what time we will be leaving camp.

See you tomorrow!

War paint

Benny is ready for battle with his war paint.